From: Easton []
Sent: 05 January 2006 05:43 PM
Subject: Letter from Gerry

5 / 01 / 06

Dear James                  Re        “Experience of a clean heart”


Thank you for your acknowledgements of the notes sent to you.

In response you have asked for comments regarding the above.  As we have come the same route where they are now, one can only wonder why things have been revealed to us and not to them. Perhaps the revelation will still be afforded to them.


May we use a number system to try to lay down some of our thoughts which may be easier to comment on at a later stage.


[ 1]       We are grateful that we are not required to judge anyone.

[ 2]       In Cape Town we knew some really wonderful Moslem  families. They had all the luxuries that successful business can bring, plus good looking, obedient and healthy children, the parents are happily married and extremely secure in their faith. To use a Christian term they were “blessed out of their socks.”

[ 3]       In the Wilderness area we know a family who are Buddhists. In fact there are many here who believe in eastern philosophy. They are kind, calm, generous, peace loving people. They are secure in what they believe and look upon the fruits of Christianity with sadness.

[ 4]       Then on our property we have an 84 year old retired Royal Marine. He has been driven away from religion on account of the war. He says, there were the Germans praying to “Gott and Jesus” to give them victory over the British and the Allied troops, while conversely the other side was praying to the “God and Jesus” to give them victory over the Germans. Then he recounts how he saw Greek Orthodox priests blessing and praying protection and victory on a Greek paratrooper regiment using holy water and smoke. That same day they were dropped, the wind shifted and they were all drowned in the sea.

            He loves the book “Dancing with wolves” and believes that when he passes on he will go to the “happy hunting grounds in the sky.” He does not fear death, lives a clean life and harms no one.

[ 5]       We also have the “sinless, righteous ones.”  A Scripture out of Isaiah 64: 6 comes to us, “- - - and all our righteousness are as filthy rags;”


[ 6]       To this last group mentioned, perhaps they are unaware of the Truth, the Sabbath etc and are still moving in ignorance.

[ 7]       How would they respond if a “fleece” were shown to them with great gentleness and understanding?


Our faith is built on the Word, the Scriptures. They contain teachings, warnings, rules and examples for us to follow. To quote just a few which should be taken seriously.


[ 8]       Matthew 7: 21-23. These are happy, charismatic, religious believers who are seeing wonders. Yet at the time of separation they are excluded. What could the reason be? It would appear that one’s personal feelings of righteousness,

self-worth and sinless state, may be flawed at the most important time.

[ 9]       In the above Scripture it is interesting to note in verse 22, that they refer to a name 3 times as being responsible for the wonders and miracles . Yet the Messiah states that He “never knew them.”


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[10]      But what about the Messiah’s promise in Matthew 18: 20, “For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them.” Then how is it that wonders etc are being performed in a name and this promise is not being kept?

[11]      It would appear that there is a qualification regarding the Name.

[12]      But these people are experiencing results and good ones at that. They are satisfied that what they are doing is correct and acceptable. Their Sunday worship, Christmas, Easter, substitute names are all okay because they are seeing fruit in their manner of worship. However, according to the Scriptures, they are wrong and when they find out, it will be too late.

[13]      The same applies to the man who desired to be at the “Wedding Feast of the Lamb.” Matthew 22: 11-14. He was “speechless” with shock at the reaction of the “King of Kings” to him being there. He believed he was sinless and had every right to be there. He was wrong, again too late.

[14]      “Many will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.” Luke 13: 23-24. Their desire to be with the Heavenly Father and His Son is very good. They have the right focus but there is something wrong. Is it our duty to try and reveal to such believers their error, even if it brings upon us their scorn and enmity?


To sum up:-

[15]      There is a “spirit of error” and the “Spirit of Truth.” 1 John 4: 6. May we ask the following questions to these “clean hearted people?”

            [a] Is the Heavenly Father’s Son, the Messiah’s Name Jesus? Yes / No.

            [b] Is the Heavenly Father’s Name, God or Lord? Yes / No.

            [c] Did the Messiah or the Scriptures change the Sabbath to Sunday? Yes / No.

            [d] Was the Messiah born on the 25th December? Yes / No.

            [e] Does Easter with Good Friday and Easter Sunday prove the Messiah’s divinity according to the sign of the prophet Jonah? Yes / No.


To the above the expected answer will be, no- but. Hopefully not! However, buts are not acceptable. A false statement is a lie which is the opposite of the truth.

We can look at man’s endeavours to achieve righteousness – Gurus of India, Hindu fire-walkers, continual prayer sessions [Matt 6: 7 carries a warning], fasting and multitudes of works.

Fact – Satan wants worship and he gets it by deceiving the whole world with his masterpiece of deception and counterfeit.

My feelings and those of others count as nothing. We must be anchored in the Truth, with our faith set upon the Rock and not on man’s traditions.

The warning comes in 2 Thessalonians 2: 9-12. To those who do not love the truth, the Heavenly Father “shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.”

What is a delusion, but feelings of righteousness, self worth, piety and comfort?

May we look deeply into ourselves to examine our belief and to earnestly pray for “The Spirit Whom My Father will send to you in My Name,” that He will lead each one of us into His Truths that we may “worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.”

May the Spirit of Separation [the Ruach ha Qodesh] be with you.

Greetings and blessings                                                                                Gerry